Wednesday, July 27, 2011

"Natural Childbirth... Love the Stuff" Part 10

We continued on with our Bradley Classes and the apointments with our Midwives for the next few months. Anticipating the day that our little one would arrive. During our times of rest Mark would talk to our little guy and let me just say that seeing the love of your life talk to your unborn child is just about the sexiest thing ever. I wonder if Hannah ever saw her hubby do this... I am sure it is one of the questions I will be able to ask her once I get to have tea with her in heaven.

Finally December came. And the apointments became a weekly thing, the morning of December 24th was a mile stone in our pregnancy, the mucus plug came out. For those who do not know what the musus plug is, it's just that... a whole lot of "mucus" being discharged from the down under parts of a womans body. Once we discovered what it was (and we knew because we learned about this in our Bradley Class.. see we are very knowledgeable in this) we called our midwife, Pam. She informed us that the time was comming very soon, but that it could be any where from 1 hour to 7 days (again we knew this already because of Bradley). Suprisingly we were calm and relaxed and waited patiently for the day to arrive.

Mark had to work that day so I enjoyed the afternoon with my family as the Eads family always has a Christmas Eve get together complete with Oyster stew and cold cuts (for those who can't stand Oyster Stew). I noticed that I was very tired and was not really able to move around so much as I just could not get up the energy. Thankfully my parents helped get me some food and water when I requested it (they are just the best). After the days activities I went home and slept. It was probably the best nights sleep I had had in months.

December 29th, Mark woke up with a sever sinus infection but decided to still go to what ended up as our last midwife apointment. We traveled to Prescott to visit Karen. When we arrived Mark was feeling worse than he did when he first woke up so we decided that after the appointment we would try to see a doctor for some meds. We did our exam and was told that it would be any day now as he was in position, we just needed to wait on God to decide the time. We thanked Karen and asked for directions to the nearest urgent care facility as it was a Saturday and doctors offices were not in the practice of being open on the weekends (its there way of getting the big bucks IMHO). We spent the rest of the day waiting (we finally saw the doctor at 6:30 in the evening... we arrived there at 10:30 am). The doctor perscribed an antibiotic and sent us on our way. We arrived home very late but somehow I felt rested.

December 30th, Sunday marked one of the best days of our lives. Mark had to go to work that morning, still feeling very sick but could not afford to not go to work as he was just 1 day away from his week long vacation. I woke up that morning and headed off to church. After the services I had lunch with my good friend Teressa, her son Danny and the boyfriend at the time (the name escapes me, but he ended up being married to someone who lived in California). During our lunch I had mentioned that we needed to get the nursery painted and we were hoping to do that tomorrow. They offered to come by and help, which I accepted as painting was not something I wanted to be doing (nor should I have been doing) at this stage of the game. We finished our lunch and parted ways.

Its amazing how while pregnant you get these sudden urges to clean. Today my urge was to tackle the carpets and besides I had to go to the store to get Marks perscription filled. So once I returned home away I went using Hydrogen Peroxide a scrub brush and my Spot Shot steam cleaner. Feeling very ackomplished after working out the last of the spots at 5:05 PM. I sat there admiring my work then I decided I needed to get up and start some dinner for Mark and I. Standing up must have done the trick as the moment I did my water broke. At first I thought it was that I had an accident and headed to the bathroom to finish my business. However once I sat down nothing happened, it was only when I stood up that the water begin to flow.

I was extremely calm as I headed for my phone to start the calls. I wonder who Hannah first contacted when her water broke?

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